How to Overcome Satan’s Most Effective Strategy Against You
The maxim “knowledge is power” applies to myriad aspects of our lives, including our spirituality.
As Christians, it is important for us to EDUCATE ourselves in Christians disciplines, God’s character, and in forms of worship.
But, in educating ourselves in the ways of Christianity, we must also educate ourselves in the ways of Satan’s strategies against us.
It’s sort of like athletes studying film of their upcoming opponent.
2 Corinthians 2:11 exhorts us to do just this as it says, “but we are not ignorant of his (Satan’s) devices (tricks and strategies).
Sadly, however, many Christians remain in the dark.
As a result, over and over again, Satan uses the same few strategies to keep them oppressed.
But this doesn’t have to happen to you.
Watch this video, learn about Satan’s most effective strategy against you and how to overcome it.